Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lost my marbles

those of you who are reading this and who have had babies (or just baby) before... would you agree that pregnancy makes you SO STINKING FORGETFUL!? Well if you dont agree with me then you are one of the lucky few. Today I lost my Discover card, my keys (twice), my phone (3 times), and get this.... my entire wallet and WIC folder that ensures we are all fed. Im exhausted. Today was a rough day. I went to the grocery store at one ish then I went visiting teaching, came home put Cason down for a nap, did some chores around the house, Cason and I did a craft (pics to come later :), my visiting teachers came over (its the end of the month, ok??), then I found our buy one get one free coupon for Chipotle, drove to Rogers school to pick him up, then he told me to just go get dinner and bring it back, so I drove almost the entire way to Chipotle to grab us dinner when I realized I was missing my wallet. I drove home and checked the entire house. Not only checked it but turned it upside down. Then... I FREEAAKED out. Freaked. When I realized I left it in the cart at the grocery store. Since we just got back from traveling, I had everything important in there! Cason's birth cirt, cash, ....even my three little note cards that have every username and password to every account i have open. (I moved them and transferred the info so no one knows where they are now...mwahahaha). People, I LIVE IN TUCSON!!!! I am pretty sure there are only ten honest people in this town (joke). But now I know there are eleven. I asked every person who worked there and then I asked the cart boy. He said, "I thought someone would be coming back for that" then I said, "So do you have it?!" . He nodded and said yes. Then I started bawling like a baby. My 378 prayers were answered.

Told you. I have officially lost my marbles. No more children for me!! (again... joke)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Flash Back Friday

even though its Saturday.

 because I really really want to be back here.

(pics from Hawaii trips 08 & 09)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Things you'll never hear me say....

"I dont really feel like going to TARGET today"

" I think I have enough swim suits. I dont need this one."

"Music really isnt my thing"

"I wish I could live in Florida"

"I think I have enough shoes, I dont need this pair."
"Carrie Underwood SUC....."
(omg, I couldnt even finish typing it.)