Friday, February 4, 2011

baby items that have made life a little easier

When I was pregnant, I wanted to know what to get and what not to get. I researched pretty much everything under the sun trying to educate myself on what was needed and what was not. You really dont need TONS of gear,  however, there are some things out there that I have reaaaallly appreciated in the last 6 months.

Diaper Genie:
Gotta have one. At the beginning when you have 15 million dirty diapers a day (Unless your baby is like Cason and only poops maybe once a week), it is nice just to have this little diaper shoot right next to the changing table and it keeps the smell in! Wonderful!

Dimming Lamp:
Wow, I had no idea this would be so awesome but I love it. I cant really explain why I love it other than it makes it not so dark :) Maybe its because Cason has insulation over his windows so his room is pitch black all the time, this makes it so its dusk or dawn in his room. I can make it any time of day in his room. ha! tricky tricky. and when I would get up in the night to feed, I could just turn it on a little with out blinding us.

These next two items were purchased because of Cason's health issues but I still recommend them.

Video Monitor:
Oh boy, why did I open this can of worms? BECAUSE ITS AMAZING! That is why!! My sister-in-law told me not to get it like a million times because I would want to look at it all day. Sometimes I do and sometimes I dont, ok? I got it when he was just a couple weeks old because he was majorly vomiting and sometimes (because laying on his back) he would choke on it. Also, There have been times that he will wake up and just play in his crib and not make a peep so I like that I can check on him with out going in his room. Also, he is a noisy sleeper so now I can just check and see if he is sleeping or awake and needs a diaper change or whatev. I purchased just the normal sound one before and hated it. Mainly because it sounded like another life form was trying to make contact through the static.  So my sis, my mom, and an awesome BabiesRus sale all chipped in on getting this for me.

Baby Mirror for the Car:
This was not a need, more of a want and I LOVE it. I got it mainly when Cason was projectile vomiting for the first few months of his life and we were traveling 10 + hours in the car. Sometimes he would ever so quietly vomit up everything and he would just be sitting in it in his car seat.  So I liked being able to check on him. Now that he doesnt vomit, he just likes to look at himself and I think the familiarity of the mirror always there in the car is comforting.

Baby Carrier:
I debated on getting one but I have never regretted it. I never thought I would use it that much but lately, with Cason's teething, he just wants to be held. Plus, he looves watching me do things so this makes it easier when I am mopping, vacuuming, doing laundry, or shopping and I dont want to have a stroller. I checked into allll the different kinds. Moby wraps seemed too hot for this desert weather of mine (and it was), other cheap ones would hurt my back, and finally I found a Bjorn on craigslist for 15 bucks. Yeaaa!

aka, A.D.D. toy. Cason just started using this about two months ago and he LOVES this. He has a new toy whenever he wants and we put it right in the middle of the house so he twists and turns to see everyone and everything.  This makes cooking and doing my homework a breeze. He will look up at me and just smile and laugh and then go back to work on grabbing or eating something. Its fun to watch him figure out how to pinch or grab or move something. Plus, he loves standing and because of his torticollis he is not allowed to lay down so this is nice. and it stores flat under his crib.

Last but not least:

the BUMBO!!

This thing is wonderful. Since Cason has been alive, we have traveled to Utah twice, Oklahoma, CA three times, and Phoenix almost every weekend. I got a tray for it and it worked as a high chair up until we got a real one. You can put it anywhere and its totally portable. It helps them learn to sit and it helped Cason stay off his head (again, because of his torticollis). (no he was not posed for that pic)
What were some of your favorite baby items?
Why did you like them?
 Did you try any of these items and hate them?
(I dont wanna know. jk).


Shelby Osmond said...

FUN! I found your blog through FB:) But yes I have tried the bumbo, my baby didn't like it for some odd reason... but we still use it anyway haha. And the baby bjorn! LOVE IT! we have one too and debated but finally made the purchase and its great! Well its good to know about those other things I will keep them in mind. Cute blog Kelly :)

M.C. Sommers said...

I always love these posts and I bookmark them for when I have kids. I feel like there are so many products out there (and they are so expensive) that I just get overwhelmed. Some day this will be very, very helpful!

Ali said...

love the baby monitor as well, definitely one of my must haves!

Karen said...

I LOVE this post! I will definitely be coming to you for product reviews when the time comes :)